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Standard I

Technology Facilitation Standard

I. Technology Operations and Concepts.

TF-I.A. Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers). Candidates:

  • Assist teachers in the ongoing development of knowledge, skills, and understanding of technology systems, resources, and services that are aligned with district and state technology plans.
  • Provide assistance to teachers in identifying technology systems, resources, and services to meet specific learning needs.

TF-I.B. Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. Candidates:

  • Model appropriate strategies essential to continued growth and development of the understanding of technology operations and concepts.

Artifact #1

Marco-polo.org is a great website for lesson plans and interactive lessons for students.

Artifact #2

This is a curriculum unit that will be taught over a two week span students will practice their 21st century literacy skills and language arts, especially the writing process, through a cross content science themed unit.

Article Critique


Educational technology is a field that is always evolving and changing. Educators, students, and administration need to be aware of all of the changes taking place in our society.  Our students today do not learn the way students ten years ago did. Students no longer are intrigues by a lecture and book based lessons. Students of the 21st century respond best to project, hands-on, and interactive based lessons.  Educators need to be prepared to learn about the new technologies that are out there for students. Adding new technologies to the classrooms and school may be difficult for some to grasp but it is the future. Without being able to adapt to the changes in education, teachers will no longer be able to connect with their students, in return, students will not gain the education they need and deserve.

Standard 1 is set on providing new technologies and concepts to those in the education field. It is our job as technologies coordinators and media specialist to provide ourselves and our colleagues with the new technologies and concepts that are constantly developing. It is our job to assist teachers in learning new programs and concepts that will assist them in educating their students. It is also our job to make sure that all students understand the technologies that the school offers and how to effectively use them.

Artifact 1 shows a website that is the future of learning. It provides lecture and projects based lesson plans, while also incorporating interactive games and programs for students to use to build upon concepts they have learned. It is a fun and exciting variation from the normal, lecture based class. Artifact 2 was designed for a fourth grade class with technology in mind. It is a web quest that teaches students how to hunt down information in a manner they may not be familiar with. These two artifacts show the technology that is available for teachers and students to use on a daily basis. I will continue to search for interesting websites and programs that can offer assistance to students in need or teachers who want to reach their students.

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